Hanal Aban Restore Phytoplankton 200ml

Hanal Aban Restore Phytoplankton 200ml

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$ 180.00
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$ 180.00
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Enriched phytoplankton for restoration of weak corals of all kinds.
Preferential to deal in quarantine for corals in serious cases.

Coral restoration: prepare a quarantine with 70% aquarium water and 30% water prepared with Mayan Sea Coral Grow salt at 1026 salinity and 25º C. Pour the entire content (200ml) for every 10 liters of water. Introduce the damaged coral(s). It maintains a temperature similar to that of an aquarium, indirect and low-power circulation, aeration, a 12-hr photoperiod with dominant blue light and 3 hrs of white or green light for 5 days. When finished, return the piece and reuse the water in the main aquarium.

In case of presenting parasitic issues, request advice on the official portal www.mayansea.lat

Hanal Aban is a line of biochemical additives that contain species selected according to their nutritional values ​​and enriched based on two types of reefs: Mixed and SPS dominant.

Live Phytoplankton contributes to the biological filter of the marine system by consuming NO3 - PO4 from the water and provides essential fatty acids, protein, vitamins, carotenoids and essential nutrients for the diet of various invertebrates such as clams, corals and filter feeders.

Phytoplankton is a key link in the trophic chain of your
marine aquarium. It is live food for filter-feeding organisms such as
corals and clams. It provides essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, carotenoids and essential amino acids for the diet of various invertebrates without contaminating the water. Introducing live phytoplankton marine species into the aquarium helps reduce the presence of nitrates and phosphates, and fights the presence of unwanted algae. Reinforce the mineral base of the trophic chain and save water by making microchanges of water with the supersaturated salts of Mayan Sea. With them you replenish trace elements and macroelements without weakening the planktonic trophic links.

Supplement with Mayan Sea Salt to maintain optimal levels of fertilizers and probiotics.

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