"Nature is very wise, we must respect it. To understand it we must observe it, imitate it and not just try to control it"

Dr. Samuel Gómez Aguirre+  

The paradigm of our time has made the difference between value, profit, and currency confusing.

To the point that, in search of a little time to enjoy life, we sell all our time at a ridiculous price. The benefit obtained from badly selling our time is, ironically, getting to keep a little of our own time to use as we please. Our currency becomes our very life.

Thus... we live and reach the point where we want to achieve in a fraction of the time what would have taken 10 times as long.

Then what do we do? We can't buy more time, so we try to speed up with inventions and artifices.

However, our human condition does not contain the wisdom to govern nature.

Even so, we tried and managed to complicate and generate unnecessary risks in exchange for accelerating and falsely making the little time we had left worth more and we can recover what was lost due to the time sold.

"Don't put your hand on it", "it recovers on its own", "let it mature", "be patient", are classic phrases in marine aquarium hobby that honor the power of nature.

Marine aquarium hobby invites us to rediscover the correct place of things, particularly that of the aquarist within a marine system: Safeguard and not Governor. Beneficiary and not Employer.

The CTMS method seeks to break the assumption that what is artificial can do more than what is natural.

We simplify the steps so that marine aquarium hobby can expand and raise the volume on the dissemination of ecological culture. It is urgent that nature regain its priority position in the scale of values ​​of daily life.

Each marine aquarium in a home is an important communication message in the social fabric of its safeguarding.

The secret of the CTMS method is very simple and is respect for what is natural. When the natural order in the food chains is followed, the results obtained are much more robust and accurate. Have you ever wondered where animals and things appear from?

The basic recipe starts with light, water, minerals and time. These ingredients allow a whole chain of consequences to be triggered in a system. Energy begins to be recycled throughout life and consequently to be transformed into increasingly more complex forms. This biochemistry develops with phytoplankton that converts light energy into matter through photosynthesis. Thus, basic food for all subsequent microfauna arises. Now do you realize why light is so important in the marine aquarium?

The CTMS method sows the initial chain so that the system from the beginning in the cycle begins to develop with the benefits that it entails long before introducing fish and other organisms.

The marine aquarium is a faithful testimony of the magic of nature. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a beautiful system that practically stands on its own? However, it seems that this is not possible without prior effort. This is how our social dynamics work. If I make an effort then I have a reward. That is the paradigm that breaks the marine aquarium experience, not everything depends on you, sometimes you just have to enjoy and that's okay.

The real task of the safeguarding aquarist in the CTMS method is to monitor very simple variables such as:

replenish evaporated water (rain function).

add correct links at the right time (e.g. algae control organisms when excess appears)

provide basic life support conditions (temperature, movement and oxygenation - skimmer optional)

Observe and follow good practice guides.

The fundamental links for the method are in the different salt lines in conjunction with the sowing of hanal kalan and hanal aban.s

1 the tank is assembled with rock and sand.

2. Prepare the water to salinity 34ppm

3. Movement is added

Day 3

4. Hanal Kalan is planted

5. Normal photoperiod begins

Days 4 to 15

Observe waiting copepod visible in glass with magnifying glass

when it already starts visible copéṕodo can be added

snail + prolific macroalgae

every week add HA dose (Hanal Aban) and monitor nitrites

In the presence of nitrites, the dose of hanal aban and photoperiod are increased by 15% and measured the next day.

The presence of visible copepod in glass is an indicator of stability in the system. When the presence of the copepod is clearly visible, the introduction of the food chain can continue in trinomials, preferably: filter organism (algae or coral or clam) + fish or shrimp + HA dose

Subsequently, it is recommended to add links to the population, complementing each other in a trophic manner.

It is very important to include preventive species and cleaning functions such as: pair of cleaner shrimp (prevents cryptocarion, parasites and produces live food), dusky goby (eliminates parasitic cysts), herbivores to control algae, clams as a preventive indicator of water chemistry. water (they close when something is wrong), copper bands butterfly in case of aptasia, pepper shrimp. Zoas and Corals as indicators of water chemistry and parasite control.

The CTMS method focuses more on biological balance and knowledge as a source of beauty instead of just the visual part of ornament.

Hanal Kalan and Hanal Aban contain phyto and zooplankton species selected to function in a harmonious food chain.

Did you know that there are possibly more species of copepods in the sea than there are insects on land? Talking about copepods, for example, is like talking about marine insects and it would not be the same to introduce a mosquito to a bee or a tick or flea into a biotope. Therefore, it is of great importance to be careful with the species that are selected for a marine aquarium. Mainly that they are native to reefs and preferably benthic. Likewise, we can give examples related to rotifers, ciliates, phytoplankton, etc.

The CTMS chain are strains and species verified by international researchers in the field and that have been isolated and developed for more than 15 years. This is why they are not compatible with some commercial species such as tigropus califorrnicus , which is very popular in aquaculture for growing fish for human consumption but is not native to the reef. This species is a predator because it is larger and lives in a beach area.

Due to previous cases of plagiarism and misuse of information that culminated in contaminated commercial practices that affected the sector and users, Mayan Sea reserves the species selected for said chains from the public domain and academic exchange requires prior institutional verification.


Well the key words in the CTMS method are SOW, RESPECT AND OBSERVE.

An additional fundamental link is the Kalan, the aquarist, guardian or safeguard, you. For this reason, we provide you with support and assistance through chat and support materials that are developed based on your approaches and needs. We invite you to develop your trophic system and discover the great benefits of the simple act of imitating nature.

Give the correct value to each element, always remembering that an animal taken from its habitat has greater value than any object or equipment that may not be essential.

We ask you to support responsible aquariums and promote good practices.

Combat animal abuse by avoiding buying from illegal places or resellers on social networks. All businesses with good practices will be able to give you an invoice. Requesting an invoice allows regulatory authorities to protect all these animals.