Dimensions in a marine aquarium

The maximum beauty of a marine tank can be seen in its harmony and color. To achieve this, it is very important that the inhabitants are compatible with each other, both in behavior, food, and swimming and territory needs.

Marine aquariums must be well balanced in the food chain so that their chemistry is simple and this is already very easy to achieve with the help of the Hanal Kalan food chain and corals.

You can have an abundant range of soft corals and lps that will help you generate shelter, movement and correct use of nutrients.

It is important that the configuration of measurements matches the conditions to the type of organisms. For example, if you want surgeons, a narrow tank is better than a tall or square one, since they are fast-swimming fish; If you want coral growth and small complementary species you can opt for cubes.

Depending on the size of the tank we can classify as follows:

Reef Peak

One of the most demanding sizes in marine. Suitable for experts.

Up to 20 to 80 liters make the ranges of chemical complexity shorter and therefore more delicate. They must have an automatic filler to prevent changes in salinity due to evaporation. You can keep it only with corals, clams and colorful shrimp. Make sure that its proportion is rectangular and not cubic in case you house any fish. Simplify water chemistry using the Hanal Aban line of natural biochemistry and Coral Grow salt water microchanges.

These types of tanks are mainly habitable by crustaceans and soft corals or SPS.

It requires very good lighting and provides space for a maximum of 2 small fish such as clown gobies.

These tanks are NOT appropriate for butterflies, surgeonfish (they are territorial and require minimum swim lengths of 120m long), triggerfish (aggressive), octopuses (predators), eels, and species with aggressive or fast-swimming temperaments.

Opt for small, colorful species that feed up the food chain to avoid synthetic foods. Cleaner Shrimp, Scarlet Shrimp, Sexy Shrimp, Emerald Crab, etc. If you opt for some clownfish, avoid Brown, Clarki, Tomato species due to size. You can only have a maximum of one partner. Shrimp, snail, stars do complement the ecosystem.

You could also have a very colorful Pico Reef with no fish for a jumbo hermit crab!

Clown Gobies, Dragonnets, Shrimp, Snails are permissible for this type of tank having a maximum of 2 fish.

Glass or acrylic


Nano Reef 100-180 Lt

These tanks are NOT appropriate for surgeons (they are territorial and require minimum swim lengths of 120m long), triggerfish (aggressive), octopuses (predators), eels, and species with aggressive or fast-swimming temperaments.

Opt for small, colorful species that feed up the food chain to avoid synthetic foods. In this type of tank there can be up to 6 to 8 small organisms. Try to accompany each introduced fish with some new coral that helps maintain the biological balance.

A well-fed fish can quintuple its size in months. Don't trust yourself because you see them small in the store, they grow very quickly and then it is very sad to have to find another place for them. For example, a baby blue tang can grow from the size of a walnut to the size of a small cactus in one year. Do not ask a salesperson in a store about these decisions, as their job is to sell and they will most likely not guide you correctly.

Gobies, Clowns, Dragonnets, Wrasses, Shrimp, Snails and Blennies are ideal for this type of tank and can develop harmonious ecosystems.

Glass or Acrylic. Depending on height, increase thickness and structure.


Panoramic 200-500

This tank size is wonderful as it allows you to integrate almost all small species of marine ornament.

You can have an all-fish tank, Mixed Reef, Soft Coral Reef, SPS Coral Reef. The important thing will be that you provide a safe environment for the protection and habitat of the species. Abundant rock with multiple types of caves and visual barriers.

It is important that in proportions aragonite if you introduce low-swimming species that require it both because they take refuge there and because they find their food there.

You can have an abundant range of soft corals and lps that will help you generate shelter, movement and correct use of nutrients. It is important that you have very good circulation provided by wavemakers and not power heads. Shrimp, snails and cucumbers will help you maintain cleanliness and health of the system in general.

It is better to distribute the volume of water panoramicly than high up. The height makes it difficult for light to penetrate the water column, while the length and width provides greater swimming area and habitat for the species.

Glass or acrylic. Minimum 10mm thickness.

Mixed Marine 500- 1000lt

Suitable for Surgeons and Reef.

Aim for long dimensions to allow surgeons to swim straight. Ambience with enough rock to make visual divisions that allow separating territories.

Choose the height based on the lighting needs of the type of reef you are looking for to optimize the use of electrical energy.

Glass or acrylic. Minimum 10mm thickness.

Monster Tank 1000lt and up

Here you can begin to introduce other types of species such as rays and small sharks, larger eels and species that tend to pollute the water more due to their diet.

Its filtration requirements are higher and for this reason it may not be compatible with corals, since larger species defecate in proportion and the water chemistry is destabilized.

It is advisable to introduce macroalgae to support filtration and have a maintenance room installed attached to the system with water reserves and accessories to facilitate maintenance and attention in cases of emergency.

Remember that it is essential to have certificates or invoices of legal origin for all these types of species.

  Glass or acrylic. Minimum 12mm thickness. Greater than 1000lt acrylic preferred.