Basic purchases to start

Tank, Aquarium or Urn 

This is one of the long-term investments that is difficult to replace later. It is advisable to buy the best one possible because the losses due to accidents due to poor construction, in financial terms, are much higher than the difference in initial investment between a simple tank and a professional one. A colony of corals that has grown for 5 years may have multiplied its value by 5000%, so the risk of transferring it completely is not viable, since sometimes they can become embedded in the same tank or walls of the system.

It is important that you get good advice on the thickness of the glass required by the liter capacity you intend to have, the reinforcements and structures on which it must be mounted. Salt water is heavier than fresh water and therefore stronger fish tanks are required.

"Tall" fish tanks represent a greater degree of difficulty in terms of cleaning and require much greater power for the light to penetrate the entire water column. In marine it is better to consider designs that are more elongated than tall to even provide more design area for shelters and visual barriers between inhabitants.

It is common for a dominant fish to have 70% of the tank at its disposal and the rest hidden in a small piece if visual barriers are not provided to prevent attacks or delimit areas.

Keep in mind that spills can damage walls or floors and carpets, and some furniture may also show rust. Take precautions such as putting thick plastic or canvas before installation, over the years you will value it greatly.

The furniture is available with "Cannopy or pompadour" (to hide lighting) or open. The cannopy or pompadour can help as a thermal insulator in certain conditions and climates. Analyze according to your local climate which furniture is the most efficient for you.

The tanks can be with a single view (against a wall) in bullet (square to a piece of furniture) or with 3 views. Each configuration represents different maintenance needs. When placing furniture against a wall, always protect it by a few centimeters to protect the wall from evaporation, to be able to pass cables or make eventual maneuvers.

The type of tank you choose will determine the type of species that can live in it and the energy consumption required for its maintenance. Remember that a marine project is a long-term project.

We recommend starting with something in between 120 to 200 liters as small aquariums pose a greater challenge in terms of water chemistry.

Consider the height of the furniture based on the perspective or point of view where you plan to have the view. Designate a specific or annex space, preferably in the same furniture, to store the necessary testing and maintenance equipment and materials.

As for location, if you opt for a CTMS Trophic system with corals, the presence of sunlight is ideal as long as you can control that the water temperature does not increase excessively.


In marine aquariums, internal water currents are essential to transport planktonic food, oxygenate and distribute debris particles, among others. For this, propeller-type pumps known as "wave makers" are used. In marine, the use of power heads should be avoided since they do not perform the task with the required efficiency and represent a risk area for different species of organisms as they have a high intensity suction point.

Each brand indicates in its specifications how many liters each pump is designed for. When you place them in the aquarium, it is important that you imagine the course of the internal current and try to ensure that there are no stagnant or dead areas. Wavemakers are long-lasting equipment, so it is advisable to purchase the best one possible from the start. Most current brands already have automated wavemakers that imitate ocean currents very effectively by increasing and decreasing the flow at different periods. Buy the right one for your tank size. The correct one based on liter capacity. Buying oversized equipment can represent an environment that is too turbulent for some species in addition to generating a higher expense in the electricity rate.


Salt. You should always have a reserve of salt to make emergency or crisis changes of at least 50% of the volume of your aquarium. For emergency reserves, quarantines and hospitals you can take advantage of the Tukul Kay line that has a subsidy price within the Kuxtal Kalan animal welfare campaign to support and promote good practices.

Emergency First Aid Kit.

Emergencies usually arrive when one does not expect them. Diseases in fish can cause total mortality in a few days and in some cases up to hours. Therefore, it is essential that before starting the acquisition of organisms you have a basic first aid kit to deal with the eventualities that frequently occur. LIB13, QM3 and YAAX are emergency medications that you should not be without for any reason. Likewise, what is necessary for a hospital bucket: bucket, air pump, hose, aerator and 25w heater. You must have an emergency plan for breaking fish tanks; buy a rectangular tub that has enough liter capacity to separate the organisms in case of emergency.

Hanal Kalan Food Chain The secret of the CTMS method is the sowing of Hanal Kalan from the beginning. A set of marine organisms selected for their trophic harmony to sustain themselves and flexibly according to the demands of the systems. By sowing Hanal Kalan you will be able to see from the third week the presence of organisms such as copepods in the glass areas close to the sand. Its presence is a biological indicator of stability in water chemistry. Avoid introducing species of copepods used in aquaculture that are not compatible with the food chain so that it can be sustained infinitely. Thanks to the presence of these planktonic organisms, species dependent on live food such as gobies, dragons and seahorses will be able to have the correct food to stay healthy. The Hanal Kalan food chain is maintained autonomously in conjunction with Hanal Aban and the different tukul lines of reef sea salt.

Macro algae.

The prolific macroalgae is an excellent initial link that will help you control the different stages of evolution of your aquarium and will provide crystal clear water that facilitates the penetration of light, shelter for microfauna, flexible export of nutrients, among other benefits. Make sure it's quarantined seaweed.


IT IS MANDATORY TO HAVE A REFRACTOMETER to be able to start a marine. It is a low-cost and indispensable equipment. In a marine aquarium the hydrometer does not work properly. Also digital thermometer.

The most important values ​​in the marine aquarium are the salinity-temperature binomial. From the position in which they are placed, they move and alter all the other values ​​of the chemistry of the water.

If you do not learn to rely on this binomial as a measurement rule, then your additional measurements are doomed to distortion and possible wrong decision making.

For your first system you must understand in detail what the nitrogen cycle is and the life-or-death importance it represents for organisms. In short, dirty water releases a toxic gas called ammonia into the water and organisms die because they do not have oxygen. Dog, before ammonia appears, another compound called nitrites appears, which is why it is advisable to measure nitrites to anticipate a possible deadly peak. The food chain is responsible for cleaning the water so that there are no ammonia peaks, which is why it is important to plant it and give it enough time to grow with each new tenant.

Nitrite and ammonia tests are necessary. If you do not have the time to carry out tests, you can opt for an ammonia alert warning disc. These are introduced into the aquarium, last around 6 months and automatically change color when the values ​​represent risks.

HanalKalan food chain sowing allows you to make direct visual inspections of the tank, the presence at a glance of the zooplankton species contained are biological indicators that the system is safe. For this reason, it is important to plant well from the beginning and periodically check the population. It should be visible on glass with a magnifying glass near the sand. When a smaller population is perceived, it is appropriate to make preventive measurements of water chemistry.

Voltage spike suppressor.

The equipment used in marine aquariums is, for the most part, delicate and sensitive to voltage changes. Its main cause of failure is variations in the electricity supply of electrical companies. It is advisable to purchase from the beginning a switchgear with a surge suppressor that allows you to have more order and security in the installation, as well as prevent failures in expensive equipment due to voltage variations.